Page 7 - Hagada_Heb_Eng-RC-2024-HTML5-260717
P. 7

Getting Prepared for the Seder

                   The most successful home seders are the results of

                   thoughtful planning and shared leadership. Think about
                   how to "customize" a seder experience that will work for

                   the group you are gathering.

                   Will your seder be geared towards adults, children, or an
                   intergenerational group? What will you ask each
                   participant to contribute?

                   Consider asking seder guests to be responsible for any of

                   the following. Often, guests will enjoy being part of the
                   preparation tasks. They will lighten your load, which will

                   be heavy as the seder nears, and they will add their own
                   energy and ideas to the seder which can only make it

                   more successful and meaningful. Invite guests to:

                   1. Prepare a part of the meal or a ritual food item.

                   2. Select a favorite poem, story or quotation on a specific

                   theme to share at the seder.

                   3. Come up with a creative way to teach or facilitate one

                   section of the haggadah.

                   4. Bring a question they want to discuss during the seder.

                   5. Bring a meaningful object that represents the freedom

                   or slavery they experienced this year to the seder.

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                                        םירוסא הצפהו הקתעה ,שומיש לכ . רו  - א  ןפלואל   תורומש תויוכזה לכ from Ulpan-Or is prohibited.
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