Page 3 - Hagada_Heb_Eng-RC-2024-HTML5-260717
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About this Multimedia Haggadah

                   This multimedia Haggadah has been designed to prepare

                   you for the coming Seder Pesach.

                   For many people, even native Israelis to actively

                   participate in the Seder, reading from the Haggadah is a
                   difficult task. The feel embarrassed, being afraid to cite it

                   correctly, they feel ashamed not to be able to understand it.

                   They do not really feel connected to what's going on during

                   that night…

                   We hope that with the help of this special Haggadah, the

                   explanations, the insights and the audio recording

                   accompanying it you will be well prepared this year to

                   become a full and an active participant in the Seder.

                   Dates of the Pesach (Passover) Holiday

                   Pesach is a seven-day holiday.

                   The first day of Pesach is the fifteenth day of the first
                   month – the month of Nissan; the last day is the twenty-

                   first day of the first month.

                    Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage, copying and distribution without express permission
                                        םירוסא הצפהו הקתעה ,שומיש לכ . רו  - א  ןפלואל   תורומש תויוכזה לכ from Ulpan-Or is prohibited.
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