Page 5 - Hagada_Heb_Eng-RC-2024-HTML5-260717
P. 5

The Origins of Seder

                                                  Seder, Venice, 1609.

                   The origins of the Seder go back to the description of the

                   first Passover in Egypt. In Temple times the first night of
                   Passover  was  observed  in  family  groups  by  the  roasting

                   and eating of a lamb. This took place in the courts of the

                   Temple  in  Jerusalem  and  was  observed  in  this  way  until
                   the temple was destroyed in 70CE.

                   Jerusalem was crowded at Passover by Jews from distant
                   places. The home Seder presumably dates from the time

                   of Yohanan ben Zakkai (late 1st. Century CE) who
                   said that as long as the Temple stood, the altar

                   atoned for Israel, but now a man's table atones for

                   him, meaning that Judaism had to carry on by religious
                   observances in the home.

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