Page 31 - Absolute Beginner, -Unit 1-R12-New-301219
P. 31

Ulpan-Or: Absolute Beginner – Unit 1

          Hebrew Print Alphabet with Vowels

Hebrew alphabet consists of 22 basic consonant letters.
Several letters can be "soft" or "hard", and each of those actually
creates another letter.
(In addition you will also find five letters that have unique
companions – “end letters”, which are used instead of the regular
letters only when written as the last letter of a word.)
Note that Hebrew texts are written from right to left.
As mentioned previously, the vowels – “nekudot” are not an
integral part of the alphabet, and are regarded separately.
The following charts include the first three print letters of Hebrew
After having learned the three first letters we have created words
(meaningless some times, but still words) that you can already read!
Listen and repeat those a few times.

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                                             .‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
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