
Digital Courses

Ulpan-Or’s Digital Self-Study Courses

Ulpan-Or’s interactive digital Modern Hebrew self-study courses have been designed to address the needs and requirements of students at various Hebrew levels starting with a total beginner level up to the very advanced level.

These are based on a unique second language acquisition approach – RLA (Rapid Language Acquisition) developed by Orly & Yoel Ganor, founders of Ulpan-Or.

The main focus of these courses is to quickly acquire the ability to speak and comprehend Modern Hebrew while also addressing the reading and writing aspects of the language.

Our digital self-study courses utilize 21st-century interactive learning methodologies as well as advanced technology.

Our materials include interesting, enjoyable, up-to-date video, audio, and written content encompassing cultural, social, and professional aspects of life in Israel.

The grammar aspect is addressed in a “spiral” progressive way, covering Hebrew verbs and syntax in a fun manner, avoiding boring explanations and exercises. The study of grammar is done using short and entertaining video clips, which assist in faster absorption of new material as well as for longer retention of it.

In addition to the study material, we provide access to printable workbooks, as well as to the Quizlet platform for further practice. READ MORE…

E-Tone® – Weekly Magazine

Ulpan-Or’s online Hebrew newspaper, E-Tone®, is an innovative, interactive news digest published on a weekly basis to aid with the studying of Hebrew words and phrases in general, and with accessing the Israeli media in particular. The main objective is to help E-Tone® subscribers significantly improve their Hebrew in a short time, and eventually be able to access regular Israeli written and broadcast media. The weekly online Hebrew newspaper E-Tone® includes the latest news items broadcast by the Israeli media in Hebrew. E-Tone® comes in three levels: Low-Intermediate, High-Intermediate, and Advanced. Read More…

Demo Samples

E-Tone® Low Intermediate

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Annual Subscription – $247
E-Tone® High Intermediate

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Annual Subscription – $247
E-Tone® Advanced

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Annual Subscription – $247

Interactive eBooks and Self Study Material

Learning a language doesn’t have to be a sprint. When you want to take a marathon approach, we’re here to help. Our unique E-books, E-Tone® – the weekly news digest, and interactive audiovisual learning options give you the ability to continue to learn Hebrew and grow in your studies, while exploring Israeli culture.
When you want to learn Hebrew at your own pace based on your current educational level, we can provide the customized support you deserve. Read More…