Important Tips for Finding a Job in Israel
Wanting to work in Israel is one of the key reasons that many people choose to take Hebrew language courses. One can study Hebrew in the UK or learn Hebrew in Australia, for example, and then start looking for a job in Israel.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind while job-hunting in Israel:
1. Understanding The Challenge
The first challenge one faces as a foreigner is finding a job. This is made somewhat difficult by the following factors:
- There are plenty of highly-educated and highly-qualified Israeli candidates applying for every open job one finds online. Local candidates are prioritized for hiring.
- The open jobs that make their way to social media, newspapers, and online job boards only represent a small percentage of actual openings. Many positions aren’t advertised at all and are filled through internal hirings, promotions, and professional networks.
Recommend reading: 7 Things to Know Before Moving to Israel
2. Knowing the Language
While native fluency in Hebrew isn’t needed, one does need to be familiar with the language.
Being able to have simple work-related conversations in Hebrew and read basic Hebrew text goes a long way.
Proficiency in Hebrew can be attained through Hebrew language learning from Israeli teachers, and Hebrew language courses for beginners can be a great starting point.
Recommend reading: How to Start Learning the Hebrew Language
3. Networking
One’s professional network can help them significantly when it comes to securing a job in Israel. Knowing the right people can help speed up the job search and deliver great results. But strong networks aren’t built overnight.
For individuals interested in working in Israel, it’s well worth the time and effort to cultivate a professional network through social media and online networking websites.
The emphasis should be on building a connection that continues to be beneficial in the long term, instead of just asking people about available jobs.
4. Knowing Where to Apply
It’s not impossible to find a job in Israel if one is willing to learn Hebrew and be diligent about their visa, paperwork, and the application process itself.
It’s also essential to apply for the right jobs. Here are some ideas:
- English teachers tend to be in high demand in the country.
- Tech jobs in Israel also offer a lot of potential for growth, attracting talent from other countries.
- Foreigners can also apply for jobs in their country’s consulate or embassy in Israel.
- Other areas with good jobs include marketing, sales, and finance.

About Ulpan-Or:
Ulpan-Or delivers Hebrew distant learning courses, giving people in the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia the chance to learn Hebrew online with Israeli teachers.
To browse their beginner Hebrew courses, learn the Hebrew alphabet, contact the modern Hebrew institution through its website.