What Makes Jerusalem So Holy?
There are very few places on earth that are considered sacred by multiple faiths, which is why Jerusalem is held in such high regard. Known as one of the oldest cities globally, Jerusalem is visited by millions of tourists every year, most of them religious devotees.
Whether you’re Muslim, Christian, or Jewish, Jerusalem is a must-visit location for followers of Abrahamic religions. We dig deep into its significance in this piece.
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If you’re a devout Christian or an admirer of the faith, then the chances are that you have heard a great deal about the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. It is an important holy church for many Christians due to the connection it has to Jesus.
According to most Christian beliefs, Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection happened on this very site. His tomb is located inside the Sepulchre and is visited by millions of Christians worldwide. Representatives of different Christian faiths manage the church, welcoming devotees from all around the world who come to seek forgiveness and solace while performing their prayers near the empty tomb.
For many Muslims, the third holiest site in the world is based in Jerusalem. The Dome of Rock, also known as the Al Aqsa Mosque, is held in high regard among Muslims and is dubbed as the Noble Sanctuary.
Muslims believe that their Prophet, Muhammad, traveled from Mecca (a city in Saudia Arabia) to Jerusalem to pray for all the previous prophets’ souls. Muslims also believe that the Dome of the Rock is the sacred site where their Prophet ascended to Heaven. Every Friday, hundreds of Muslims visit the mosque to perform their prayers.
The Holy Temple was one of two temples that were regarded as the center of worship in Ancient Israel. Today, all that remains of the Holy Temple is the Western Wall, on which the temple once stood.
For Jews, Visiting The Western Wall is a reminder to Jewish people of their history, but also gives them a link with the holiest site, the Temple. It is the closest Jewish people can get to the presence of God.
Also, as the Western Wall has not been destroyed, it is a symbol of hope to the Jewish people that they too will last forever. Some Jews believe that a third Temple will be built when the Messiah comes in the future.
Jews believe that the Inside of The Holy Temple was the Holy of Holies, also known as the most sacred site in Judaism. Nowadays, the closest place to the Holy of Holies is the Western Wall, where thousands of Jews come to pray and seek repentance.
If you’d like to visit the holy sites we mentioned, it would help to learn the local language, Hebrew, for easy traveling. You can get in touch with Ulpan Or, a Hebrew language learning institution that provides all the preparation you need to converse comfortably in the local language. Contact them today for more information on their services.