Recognizing Patterns to Learn a Second Language.
As this week we were completing our review of last year’s results, we just realized that in the year 2020, we have actually assisted with our programs and materials over 10,000 students from 57 countries around the world!!
This is so amazing and so rewarding to know that our Hebrew programs touched the hearts and souls of so many people.
Some of these students study with us privately, others in small groups. Some students are part of groups referred to us by their organizations; others learn through their communities.
Some students study with our teachers; others study on their own, using our self-study materials.
Most of our students are from abroad, and many study in Israel.
Some of those are civilians, and some are Israeli soldiers, new immigrants using our unique Hebrew program, created for Israel Defense Forces – IDF.
Some of our students are small kids, and some are already retired.
Some use our Hebrew programs in Kindergartens, and others in schools and universities.
Some are Jewish and others are not.
Due to the continuing epidemic situation, we are helping all those who are forced to be in a lockdown or quarantine with our online digital materials.
All students use so many different Ulpan-Or courses and associated materials designed for their specific levels, ages and areas of interest.
But the common denominator for all of them is that they enjoy and benefit, getting fast results using our natural way of learning Hebrew as a second language.
Here is what some of them wrote to us:
It was a great experience for me. I came in with basically no Hebrew and after four weeks was able to hold conversations with strangers, order at restaurants and explain what I do at home and what I want to do on a day to day basis.
“great program, organized, easy to work with, fun, good outcome for student
I can speak the language“
Anna. M
I really enjoyed how challenging the course was. Most online methods take you through at a boring speed that isn’t really engaging… Ulpan Or challenging coursework kept me engaged and feeling as though I was making steady progress.
Watch now short videos where our students describe their experiences.
And our tip for today is to utilize patterns when learning Hebrew.
This will help you in overcoming one of the most demanding challenges of Hebrew grammar: verb conjugation.
Many people ask us:
How can one remember to conjugate Hebrew verbs correctly? They come in so many different sizes and forms! And all of them seem to behave so differently!
Our answer is:
Instead of memorizing, pay attention to patterns.
We find patterns in math, but we also find patterns in nature, art, music, and literature. Patterns provide a sense of order in what might otherwise appear chaotic.
Researchers have found that understanding and being able to identify recurring patterns allow us to make educated guesses, assumptions, and hypothesis; it helps us develop important skills of critical thinking and logic. The knowledge and understanding of patterns can be transferred into all curriculum areas and open many doors where this knowledge can be applied. (Teaching and Learning With Heart, Kelliwogstad)
An interesting experiment was conducted with famous chess players, who could remember by hearts thousands of games and positions chess pieces.
In this experiment, the chess players were shown numerous chess piece positions taken out of certain games. The chess players easily reconstructed those from memory in most cases.
However, when the pieces were randomly positioned on the board, the chess players had a tough time remembering that. It did not make sense for them and was not part of any known pattern…
So, if you learn Hebrew, using patterns as anchors, you will start verb conjugation with greater ease. .
‘Learning with Patterns’ is part of our RLA (Rapid Language Acquisition) methodology.
We will provide more tips in our following posts.
Stay tuned!
Shabbat Shalom, and enjoy learning Hebrew.
Yoel & Orly
Tag:patterns, verb conjugation